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Scholarship Information

The program

R-G Federal Credit Union has established a scholarship program to assist members who are graduating seniors and plan to continue their education at an accredited institution. Currently the Board of Directors has authorized two (2), one-year, non-renewable $1000 scholarships. Applications for the 2024-2025 school year will be accepted between January 22, 2025 through March 14, 2025.

Completed applications (including all required attachments) must be received by the March 14, 2025 deadline to be considered.

A link to apply can be found at the bottom of this page.


Specific requirements:

  • Awards are for graduating high school seniors only (minimum 2.0 weighted GPA)
  • A primary member of R-G Federal Credit Union (have at least a savings account in their name)
    • Applicants are not eligible if the parent is a member and the student/applicant is not a member.
  • Eligible institutions include junior colleges, universities, colleges, technical schools, vocational schools, or organized construction trades
  • RGFCU employees, board, and committee members and their immediate families are not currently eligible for this program. A separate program exists for employees.


Interested student members must provide the following:

  • Completed online application
  • A minimum of two (2) character reference letters - acceptable letters can be from teachers, employers, coaches, civic or church group leaders, but may not be from family members
  • Official high school transcript of courses completed through January 2025 with GPA to a 4.0 scale (grade reports are not acceptable)
  • An essay that includes a biographical statement including items such as
    • Educational background
    • Extra-curricular activities (if any) including any community service activities
    • Past accomplishments (personal and academic) including any awards and honors (if any)
    • Current and future goals and aspirations (personal and academic)
    • Work experience
    • Any other information you believe to be pertinent to your application

selection of recipients

A selection committee made up of RGFCU directors, employees, and volunteers will review each application. The committee will meet as soon as possible after the application deadline to review all submissions.

Scholarship recipients will be selected based on academic record, demonstrated leadership and participation in school and community activities, honors, work experience, statement of goals and aspirations, unusual personal or family circumstances, and letters of reference. Financial need is not considered.

All applicants understand and agree the selection committee's decisions are final. Applicants will be notified by either the credit union, school counselors, or through organized school award ceremonies. Not all applicants to the program will be selected as recipients.

award Payment

Payment will be made by R-G Federal Credit Union directly to each recipient either by direct deposit to their member account, or via check to the school of their choice if preferred. Scholarship funds may be used for tuition, room, board, books, tools, or class materials. A letter of acceptance or proof of enrollment from an accredited educational institution will be required prior to award payment.

membership obligations

Recipients are encouraged to keep and maintain their RGFCU savings and/or checking account open for at least one year after a scholarship award is made. Regardless of where recipients decide to continue their education, RGFCU has tools to assist student members with all of their financial needs. These tools include online banking, mobile banking, remote check deposit, SUMitup (our online personal financial manager), debit and credit cards, CardCommand (our online card management tool), Credit Sense (our online credit monitoring tool), and participation in the COOP Shared Branch network. Information about all of these products and services can be found in the menu options at the top of this page. 


Scholarship recipients (and their parent(s) or legal guardians) agree to be photographed and have said photographs, name, and likeness used by R-G Federal Credit Union for future print, online, and video-based marketing promotions and materials, as well as other company publications.

By submitting a scholarship application, you hereby release and hold harmless R-G Federal Credit Union from any reasonable expectation of privacy or confidentiality with the images specified above.

By submitting a scholarhip application you further acknowledge that your participation in marketing photographs is voluntary and that you will not receive financial compensation of any kind associated with the taking or publication of these photographs or participation in RGFCU marketing materials or other company publications. You acknowledge and agree that publication of said photos confers no rights of ownership or royalties whatsoever.

By submitting a scholarship application you hereby release R-G Federal Credit Union, its contractors, its employees, and any third parties involved in the creation or publication of marketing materials, from liability for any claims by you or any third party in connection with your participation.

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