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Fee Schedule

Effective as of: 08/01/2023

Member Services Fees and Charges
Item/Service Fee Charged
Membership fee (non-refundable) $1.00
Excessive Share withdrawals (per occurrence over 3/month) $1.00
Excessive Smart Saver withdrawals (per occurrence over 1 per month) $1.00
Money orders (each) $1.50
Notary Service FREE
Safety Deposit Boxes (based on size) $12.00 to $35.00
Safety Deposit Boxes (keys, drilling, etc) COST
Photo Copies (each page) $0.25
Account Research (per hour, min 1 hour) $25.00
Print Out (per page) $1.00
Filing/Recording Fees COST
Title Fees COST
Account Closed within 3 Months Fee $5.00 or balance
Statement Copy Fee $3.00
Paper Statement Fee (per month) $2.00
Returned Statement Fee/Invalid Address $3.00 per month
Dormancy Fee (no activity for 12 months) $3.00 per month
Outgoing Wire Transfer Fee (domestic) $15.00
Incoming Wire Transfer Fee (domestic) FREE
Garnishment/Levy Fee $25.00 each
Payment By Phone Fee $5.00
Returned Deposit Item Fee (each, incl ACH) FREE
Loose Coin Fee $1.00 per $1000 cash ($1.00 min)
Checking/Other Services Fees
Item/Service Fee Charged
Insufficient Funds Fee (each paid or returned)* $28.00 per item
Overdraft Transfer Fee $2.00 per overdraft item paid
Loan Overdraft Fee $5.00 per overdraft item paid
Checkbook Reconciliation Fee (appt required) $25.00 per hour (min 1 hour)
Check Printing Fee Varies by type and quantity
Check Reorders by Telephone (per occurrence) $3.00
Outgoing Collection Item $25.00
Incoming Collection Item $25.00
Check Copy Fee $3.00
Stop Payment Orders (Any Acct. per occurrence/book incl. ACH) $28.00
Non-member Check Cashing Fee $5.00 per item
Third Party Official Check Fee $5.00 per check
Business Free Checking
Item/Service Fee Charged
Transactions over monthly maximum $0.30 per item
Currency deposits exceeding $5000/month $0.10 per $100 deposit
Business Dividend Checking
Item/Service Fee Charged
Monthly Service Fee (fee waived on average daily balance $2500 or more) $5.00 per month
Transactions over monthly maximum $0.30 per item
Currency deposits exceeding $7000/month $0.10 per $100 deposit
Business Select Checking
Item/Service Fee Charged
Monthly Service Fee $10.00 per month
Transactions over monthly maximum $0.10 per item
Currency deposits exceeding $7000/month $0.10 per $100 deposit

*Insufficient Funds Item fee may extend to checks, pre-authorized debits, debit card point of sale (POS) transactions, ATM withdrawals or transfers, telephone transfers, in-branch withdrawals, online bill payments and Internet banking transactions. Paid and Unpaid Insufficient Funds Item fees are limited to a total of six (6) per day.

Bill Pay/Online Banking/Mobile App Fees
Item/Service Fee Charged
Online Banking (may be de-activated for non-use) FREE
Bill Pay Service (may be de-activated for non-use) FREE
Overnight Check / Same Day Bill Pay Presented at Time
ATM/Visa Check Card Services
Item/Service Fee Charged
Card Replacement (Damaged/Stolen Cards Exempt) First Free, then $5.00
Card Rush Fee $55.00
ATM Transaction Fees and Charges
Item/Services Non-Owned ATM Fee Owned ATM Fee
Withdrawal $1.00 FREE
Balance Inquiry or Transfer (each) $0.60 FREE
Real & Genuine